We believe that everyone has something unique to offer. We offer a variety of ministries and programs designed to help you grow in your faith and explore new possibilities.
Summer is still a long ways away, but we’re already planning and getting excited for Summer Camp! Registration will open some time in March, but for now, mark it on your calendars that Summer Camp is happening...
July 7-11, 2025
9am - noon
We can’t wait to discover how to love like Jesus, and Live It Out...with you! If you want to get a taste of what Summer Camp is like, check out our highlight video from last year.
Stay around after the Sunday Service for lunch, a time of celebrating what God has done in and through our church in 2024, and to make decisions for 2025. Documents for the AGM are available below, and printouts are available at the church.
AGM: Sunday, Feb 23 at 12:30 pm
Players of all skill levels are welcome to come and have fun playing crib. We play 6 games with changing partners with a break after 3 games for refreshments. There is a $5 drop-in fee, and prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Thurs, Feb 27 from 7-10pm